Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Love Vs Lust

hello everyone..this is my next posting about love vs need to read my post this times...its important for us....

ok checkthis one...

Ever have the thought that you could be dangerously in love? Falling into the danger of having confusion and misunderstanding between love and lust, unable to handle your emotions well enough? Now, what is the difference between love and lust? Well, I should believe that it is something worth our thoughts and understanding.

If you were to look through a dictionary, you should find something like this:


• To have strong feelings of affection for another adult and be romantically and sexually attracted to them

• Warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion

• Unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another


• An overwhelming desire or craving: a lust for power

• Usually intense or unbridled sexual desire

• Intense eagerness or enthusiasm

Notice how different they can be?
Seeing the sign that you could possibly be dangerously in love? True love, the genuine care and concern for your love is what we should be having. But lust, the uncontrolled desire or craving for your love is certainly not to be desired. Having too much of lust than to love can certainly bring danger to your love relationship. But well, we are still human afterall and I must say that these very two emotions is certainly within and happening inside of us. You can never deny that fact that you will be having lust at times. But perhaps all these while, it just didn’t occur to you that you have at times been actually feeling so, having some uncontrolled lust over your love. So, I thought it would be good to just bring to your attention and make you be aware of it, to allow you to be better handling your emotions.

In simple, we can say that love is a choice; a choice that you hope to have; to be having that chance to be with that someone whom you love, having that chance to genuinely and unselfishly be giving him or her your true tender love and care, bringing about that happiness for him or her. Whereas lust is a want, an obsessive desire to have purely for self-satisfaction and pleasure.

Now, love is always a two-way communication and not just about you. In a love relationship, you give and take. You don’t just take and take. By only taking and not giving, you are actually behaving in a way of having lust, wanting just more and more for yourself out of the relationship. Instead of providing your love with happiness, you are only thinking about how your love can or should make you happy. To describe it in a more ugly way, you are just loving yourself more than to actually loving him or her. And this is certainly not the way as to how a love relationship should be. A blissful love relationship should always be mutual, a mutual happiness for the both. Many at times, we tend to just think for ourselves and this can be especially so for those who are already in a steady love relationship for or a year or more. Well, in the beginning of the love relationship, both would always be on their best to make their love, their partner happy.

Remember, nobody is perfect and that includes you. And that is why we have to learn to give and take. We were taught that since young and it absolutely applies too in a love relationship.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

SaYinG I LOvE yOu friends...we meet again...
in my blog "Dokter cinTa"
well now we're talking about SAYING I LOVE YOU... we goes...

The all times special three-letters word, “I Love You” is what we would always be hearing when we talk about love. It is the words that one would use to express their feeling of affection for their very loved ones.

Hmmm…? Perhaps having the fear of shouldering that responsibility behind these powerful words? Yes, it is in a way true. You shouldn’t be saying I love you to someone unless you truly mean it. Once it is said, you can never take it back.

Well, there has to certainly be a considerable time of being together before the relationship would further develop into the stage of marriage. For some, a year or two and for some, up to even a duration of 5 to 7 years before reaching this stage. So are you not going to be saying “I love you” to your love during these times, not even once?.

Saying I love you is just a way of expressing your affection for your love. It doesn’t have to be that stressful. It should instead just come from within your heart, in a very joyful and relaxing mood… To be getting an “I love You” from your love is just always that sweet. And to be saying it to your love, is a nice way of assuring and promising him or her of your very love for them…

So, why not say it to them? Tell your very love just how much you love him or her. You need not have to wait for him or her. You can definitely be taking the initiative. Why not? I am sure that your love would just love to be hearing it from you.Well, if he or she truly loves you, it is going to be just a matter of time when he or she will say it to you. Believe in yourself, your love and your relationship.

Saying an “I love You” to your loved one is for sure nice. But then again, you don’t have to always be saying it just very here and then. Remember, the words have to come from truly within your heart, in a very joyful and relaxing mood. And only so, will the real warmness and meaningfulness of the words be there; to be touching that very heart of that beloved of yours. Well, save them for during those special occasions or when the correct mood or timing is there… And last but not least, don’t forget to response back in saying an “I love you too” to your love when you received it from him or her. A relationship is always a two-way communication, isn’t it? Don’t disappoint your love. Well, you may not be ready now but when the correct timing arrives when you feel the want to be saying it, just do it.
Be courageous in love…

Thursday, November 27, 2008

HoW to GEt a giRL yOU LikE m0st?

Halow..hoW are you guys?
feel good? yap great..
ok this my posting..for this we goes..
the topic is how to get a girl you like most,.

so, you like to get a girl, who is you class mate,collague, girl at next door or some one? you are shy guy to start with girls? ok dont worry about that, kick you foolish shyness and fear at first.

1 be a man..
do not degrade yourself with your inferior thins. look at the couples you see at park,store & every where else..if he can get a girl then why not you?

2 first meet/conversation?
guys,you need to make her get relaxed.
before that you must relax yourself and understand the environment then start , just say good day wishes, smile and move forward the conversation with the interesting topics. there is a magic lie which always attracts a girl. tell her that "you looks really nice. this dress perfectly suits you" end this line with a nice smile. this is your first trap.

3 what is your personality
Do not try to makeup some fake characters into your personality. just "be your self"

4 Are you a jerk or nice guys?
Most of the girl feel nice guys are such boring personalities. dont be a 100% funny guy always. it will create a joker impression about you instead of attractiveness.

5 your conversation with a girl
when a girl talk about something she like, an incident, a sad moment, her last summer trip,her pets or anything else, you need to follow "Shut up and Listen" rule. Stop commenting, stop giving suggestion, stop giving advice, stop arguments when she talk. just shut up your bad mouth and listen what she says. she dont need a worlds greatest idea from you when she talk something emotional. all she need is caring person who respects what she is saying.

6 Be Real
Help old lady cross the street. be kind to animals. being considerate to others, no matter the age, gender, or species, is sure to make any girls heart melt.

7 Be talkative
girls like such an interisting guys who talk funny, naughty(sometimes), caring & polite. just be social.

8 know more about her
you have to know about her most happiest/sad moments. close friends, family, co-workers, her favorite food, her hobbies. Do not ask all of these to her like a survey guy. just know it in different moment.

9 How to be an interested guy?
if she like something, then ask about her thoughts & comments about it. let her talk to much about her favorite things. do not let it to be a questioner session.

Learn to play at least a single musical instrument,
Learn to dance,
Have some interesting hobbies like boat riding, rock climbing,

10 Do not Hurt or Kid her friends
Do not try lame jokes to kid her friends. As you are a new person to her, You need to be friendly to all of her friends too

11 TRUST Yourself
First of all trust yourself, You can do it even millions of successful guys do. You lose nothing if she denies you.

ok, thats all a can give you..see you in the next posting...bye

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

WaY to Make girl crazy over you...!!!

Heloowh my bRother and My sister ... how your feelin? feel good?

okey this is some trick for BoYZ onlY (hehehe)
that will make girl are crazy over you...

okey here wegoesss...

1 be honest and gentle
show that you are honest,respectful,charming MaN.
you dont need to give many reason for one mistake,
and Show that you have a good personality..

2 not to judge
the big mistake that a MaN do is too many judge...whereas,
almost people know that
"nobodys perfect".
Make her feel comfortable inside you, and dont equal with other girl especially your
X grillfriend.

3.Not to over Protective..
you can love her, but you cant over protective,
you just sit and quit heheh...let her be anxious with you..

show that you interest to listen all of her problem about her lives her familly or everything, and dont forget to give smart solution with joke intonation that can make her more recovered of her problem...

5. smile
just "smile"
smile is personality reflection of people who always think positive. so you must give your best smile anywhre and anytime..if you meet her..
and also you make her smile with your refresing joke

6. be the best
be the best you can be so if her are deppressed with the must available for her. give her the best solution that you can do.

7.slowly but sure
dont take for guranted..I know you love her but you must think twice..not to hurried to said that You love her.chose the right time to says that

8.let her guess
ordinary women love mistery.. she will search about your just give a lil bit information about your pesonality..dont show all of your personality..just step by step you give your info about your self.

9. dont too intimate
so many a man are became friend with a girl he loved. one of the reason that a girl feel her relationship ia more closely or opened. until the girl think that this relationship is enjoyed to became a I suggest you are not to intimate with girl that you loved.

okey this is the end of this posting..

see yah....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Finding true love are not easy like back up your hand!You need more idea and ideal condition to make cartain that she is your true love.but this is some tips that can help you to find your true love..
ok here we goes...----->

1.dont search it!
Dont looking for love, if the moment will find you...(so sweet)

2.Give time for your self
It means that find your possitive aura, it can help you for raising your charisma! and believe me..! you can masmerize her...hahahahaha....

3. think your character
if you are ready to make some relationship, you need to think what character of your girl that you want..?

4.New condition, new friend..
get hang out with your friend, this way can give you chance for you to meet new people or new friend and perhaps one of your new friend are can be your girll friend..wHo kNows!!!

5.Brave to take riSk
If someday you meet some girl that your in criteria... you just take this chance, just make some relationship...and you think that true love will not came for second chance. your self
and the most importann are love your self first..and enjoy your live and Dont ever to released your hope,,BelieVe ! that human come to the world are coupled..and the problem just get the rignt people, in the right time...

ok, that's all, I cand give you..see you in Next post...bye...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

ThE wAy To kEEp LoNg LaSting reLatiONship

helo guys..?whatz uP? feeling good?
okey..before I give you some trick,because this day still on lebaran, I just wanna say "minal aidzin wal faidzin" plese forgive for all mistake that I've ever done.thanx n_n

okey..okey..this time I'll give you some love trick that you and your grill/boy friend were have long lasting relationship..
hooo interisting? good..
check it out...! honest
if we have something unlike in your b/g friend,you must try to be honest guys...for example your grill friend tell you that she dont like if you have too many chick grill photo on your handphone,and the contrary you must say that your feel the same way as the grill friend do. your self
just be your self is good, you don't need to change your personality tobe other people,just be you, for exemple if you are grill who use the casual dress in daily actyvity,coz your boy friend you were use sexy dress,or use hot dont do that...galz

if you loved him/her,you must tobe sincere loved.
dont be hope you have the same love from him/her.
if you ever help him/her dont try to remember it,it just your sincere heart. opened
you dont need to lies about your friend.
just opened,so your g/b f are not worried thinking about you.

5..word "sorry"
well the apologize have limit.
if we have do mistake, we must to prepare says "sorry" to your b/g f. we must to relize that no one human are perfect.

dont forget give him/her surprise, for example bring a box of chocolate in order your b/g f were happy.
automaticlly he/she can more care to you. you dont need to spend your money, just care of him/her. if your b/g f are unwell you just give extra care of her/him. you may ask your g/b f has having meal or not yet..just ask..!

8..close of him/her family
if we make some relationship, we must try to know close family of your b/gf. so if there something happend with your b/gf you may can comunicate easily with them. trust me, you can also get support of them.

9..dont be overprotective
well, you dont need to over protective of your b/gf, it just ordinary..perhaps you may can spy on, where he/she go,with who or for what..

although we're open to b/gf..not all the thing we are can discussion.
you must try to respect her/him privacy, what her/him does we must know or not

Saturday, September 20, 2008

10 step to defense when you're in heartbreak!! are you guys...?I'm came back...well I hope you're not to tired of looking at me...hahahahahha
oks..this time I'll be a love expert(are you sure)yeahhhhh!!!!
I'll give you some tips for you (him/her) whose in hearthache T_T(huhuhuhhuh) must go on....

10 step to defense when you're in heartbreak!!

Uncle Meggi Z says that,its better toothache than hearthache (waw,its so long time ago!)but the truth : hartbreak its more pain than not hartbreak...????..>_<..hohohoh, consequently if you're not want to really deeply in pain,just read carefully..okey

check it out:

O> keep it all of thing that related with her/him

O> for the temporary time, do not go to place that you ever visited with you're girl/boy friend....mmmh

O> do the forbidden thing before,by your X girl/boy friend forbid....whuhahaha be evil....

O> do the allthing thats make us haPpY,mmmh

O> get more hangout with your friend, if you can do it, do more often than before.

O> Don't be alone guy,s!!!

O> Don't be share your problem to your friend!!( you know that if we have to much share our problem to friend,that can makes our emotion rising...)

O> make yourself bussy

O> writing!! (this activities can give us big me)

O> and the last but not least must be going on your human insting to serching hot bebs or mans that makes you fall in love and mesmerize....

hahahaha okay thats enough for today..
see yaa in the next posting


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

WhaT U'r life stiLe?

Straight Edge refers to a lifestyle that started within the hardcore punk subculture whose adherents make a commitment to refrain from using alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs. Some followers also abstain from caffeine and casual sex. The term was coined by the 1980s hardcore punk band Minor Threat in the song "Straight Edge". Since its inception there has been considerable debate over what constitutes a straight edge lifestyle. Adherents' main objective is to not "poison" the body in any way. Some people in the straight edge movement embrace a vegetarian lifestyle and others abstain from animal products altogether, a practice known as veganism. These choices are not considered aspects of the movement but do share some common members.

so are you 1 of the straight edge life style???
well that's choices...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan...

Ramadahan yaa Ramadhan. let's sanctify our hearts during the fasting day. we must read the koran and stay close to Allah.

Ramadhan is the time to refain from all kind of sin, and for muslims all over the wold, ramadhan is the best month-long exercise for refraining from internal and external misconduct. the ultimate point of fasting is to purify our spiritual soul from any sins, there are a lot of sins we have done these past 11 month. and I just hope I can clean up those sins, and be a better muslim the next 11 months.

And I hope this Ramadhan is much more than just a once-a-year festivity. Its about struggling in all aspects of our lives. lets do something that will make the future better.Hope for the best,but still prepare for the worst.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008


well posting gw kali ini..berhubung kemaren gw depet palajaran bhs inggris..di kampus kita si bapak dosen ntu pngin kita..kita?(lu aja kali gw enggak)hehhe punya BLOG khususon yang dmana blog ini berisikan 10 konten posting kita ...yang dmana dapat menceritakan pengalaman atau tragedi yang terjadi dskitar kita...asalkan tidak berbau porno aksi,seks dan sara..mmhh!

ya inggris Lah tentunya..!

well..well now karana gw males lagi kalau buat new blog. so gw dengan berat hati nih, harus ngerelain ini blog buat penilain si bapak..huhuuh..hiks.. >_< ..hiks.. tak apalah toh ini buat penilain gw juga..
yang penting grade gw A..hhahaha

yah..yah.. mulai sekarang,besok,lusa,minggu dpan atau kapan pun lah gw ada waktu buat nge up date blog ini..pastinya gw mawu pake bahasa inggris buat ber interaksi ma buat para fans ku yang diluar sana  mohon di mengerti..rudy masih dalam tahap belajar untuk mendapatkan grade A..hehehe

ga lama kok rudy ber posting ingris-ingrisan, cman buat satu semester ke depan ajah...yah mohon doa dri kalian tmand2

kalaupun ada salah-salah kata atupun ke tidak bakuan bahasa yang di pakai si penulis.."yah wajarlah kan belum 20 tahun"(kok ga nyambung?)

^_^V peace

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

SNMPTN (berjuang dilantai dansa)

yya hari ini lah..tpat tanggal 2 july...yeah gw ikut senamptn orang menyebutnya...
antara hidup dan mati...
gw tw blenk anak IPA ngmbil form IPS,memang aneh,tapi bermodal nekat dan keyakinan yah gw tabah aja ngejalani9n nya...

hari pertama kemampuan kuantitatif ma kemampuan bahasa,
lembar pertama gw buka(pusing)
lembar kedua gw buka(puyeng)
lembar ketiga gw buka(migran)
lembar keemprat gw buka(muntah-muntah)
lembar kelima gw buka(berdarah-darah) leubay hohoho...

yah gw kerjain setengah hati, gw coba lirik kanan ma kiri..jarak menjadi beban, hah hamba hanya bisa berdoa menunggu ilham yang turun dari langit, seakan mengatakan"hai rudi ini jawaban atas segala risau mu.."

(knapa ga blajar rud?): nah,itu bu masalahnya gw malah sibuk belajar buat UAS dkampus(hoalakh)hoho so ga maximal uyy

yasud lah...

pokonya do@ in aja yah...semoga dan semoga saya dapat lulus dalam ujain ini..(alkh ngareup)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

definisi blog neeh...

Blog adalah cara mudah untuk mengenal kepribadian seseorang Blogger. Topik-topik apa yang dia sukai dan tidak dia sukai, apa yang dia pikirkan terhadap link-link yang dia pilih, apa tanggapannya pada suatu isu. Seluruhnya biasanya tergambar jelas dari Blog-nya. Karena itu Blog bersifat sangat personal.

blog baru nih gw khususan yang mw curhat-mencurhat..

pkonya curhat apa aja..deh yang penting numpahin isi hati elo semua....
