Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Finding true love are not easy like back up your hand!You need more idea and ideal condition to make cartain that she is your true love.but this is some tips that can help you to find your true love..
ok here we goes...----->

1.dont search it!
Dont looking for love, if the moment will find you...(so sweet)

2.Give time for your self
It means that find your possitive aura, it can help you for raising your charisma! and believe me..! you can masmerize her...hahahahaha....

3. think your character
if you are ready to make some relationship, you need to think what character of your girl that you want..?

4.New condition, new friend..
get hang out with your friend, this way can give you chance for you to meet new people or new friend and perhaps one of your new friend are can be your girll friend..wHo kNows!!!

5.Brave to take riSk
If someday you meet some girl that your in criteria... you just take this chance, just make some relationship...and you think that true love will not came for second chance. your self
and the most importann are love your self first..and enjoy your live and Dont ever to released your hope,,BelieVe ! that human come to the world are coupled..and the problem just get the rignt people, in the right time...

ok, that's all, I cand give you..see you in Next post...bye...